my bday party :)

I had an awesome day. We just relaxed in the morning - the weather was shit (raining after we had a so many days of great weather just like in summer) - and then went out to see a horse race.
I got some really nice presents from Louis: "new moon", a photoalbum and...:
So we just went out to party at night to an Asian Karaoke Bar.

Louis' Graduation & Graduation Ball


We went to Queenstown as a birthday present for Louis and did some pretty cool fun stuff. We went down the luge, wildwaterrafting and had the best ice cream ever:

Okains Bay (Banks Peninsula)

Am Karfreitag waren wir (Louis, seine Familie und ich) in Okains Bay campen, sind dann abends aber wieder zurueck gefahren, weil es zu kalt war. Und wir zu muede. Wir sind morgens um halb 7 losgefahren: